Well-known ‘Ecce Homo’ by Caravaggio

Yearc. 1605
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions128 cm × 103 cm (50 in × 41 in)
LocationPalazzo Bianco (Genoa)


“Ecce Homo” is a powerful and evocative painting by the renowned Italian Baroque artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Created between 1605 and 1609, the work is a profound depiction of the moment when Pontius Pilate presents Jesus Christ to the crowd, uttering the words “Ecce Homo” (Behold the Man). This painting exemplifies Caravaggio’s mastery of chiaroscuro (the dramatic use of light and shadow) and his ability to convey deep human emotion and psychological complexity.

Composition and Style

  1. Chiaroscuro Technique:
    • Caravaggio’s use of chiaroscuro is central to “Ecce Homo.” The stark contrasts between light and dark create a dramatic focus on the figures, particularly on the face and torso of Christ, emphasizing his suffering and humanity.
  2. Realism and Detail:
    • Caravaggio’s commitment to realism is evident in the meticulous details of the characters’ expressions and the textures of their garments. The naturalism in “Ecce Homo” draws the viewer into the emotional gravity of the scene.
  3. Emotional Intensity:
    • The painting captures the psychological tension of the moment. Christ is depicted with a resigned and sorrowful expression, while Pilate’s gesture suggests a mixture of frustration and detachment. The soldier, often included in various versions, represents the brute force of the Roman authority.

Key Elements and Figures

  1. Jesus Christ:
    • Christ is the central figure, shown with a crown of thorns, a robe, and a forlorn expression. Caravaggio’s portrayal is devoid of overt divine radiance, focusing instead on the human suffering and dignity of Jesus.
  2. Pontius Pilate:
    • Pilate is depicted presenting Christ to the viewer. His gesture and facial expression reflect his internal conflict and the political pressures he faces. He is not a figure of outright villainy but rather of moral weakness and indecision.
  3. Roman Soldier:
    • In many versions of this composition by different artists, a Roman soldier is depicted holding Jesus, contributing to the narrative of Christ’s imminent crucifixion. The soldier’s presence underscores the theme of power and subjugation.

Historical Context

  1. Artistic Period:
    • “Ecce Homo” was created during Caravaggio’s mature period, a time when he was producing some of his most influential and dramatic works. This period was marked by his intense focus on realism and emotional depth.
  2. Caravaggio’s Influence:
    • Caravaggio’s innovative use of light and shadow, along with his unflinching realism, had a profound impact on the Baroque art movement. His works influenced many contemporaries and future generations of artists.
  3. Religious Significance:
    • The theme of “Ecce Homo” resonates deeply within Christian iconography, highlighting themes of sacrifice, suffering, and redemption. Caravaggio’s interpretation is noted for its humanistic approach, bringing a sense of immediacy and intimacy to the religious narrative.

Reception and Legacy

  1. Contemporary Reception:
    • During Caravaggio’s time, his works were both celebrated and controversial. “Ecce Homo” was likely met with admiration for its artistic skill, but possibly also with criticism for its stark realism and emotional rawness.
  2. Influence on Art:
    • The emotional intensity and realism of “Ecce Homo” have inspired countless artists over the centuries. Caravaggio’s approach to religious subjects set a new standard for how such themes could be depicted.
  3. Modern Interpretation:
    • Today, “Ecce Homo” is celebrated as a masterpiece of Baroque art. It is studied for its technical brilliance and its profound psychological and emotional depth. The painting remains a powerful example of Caravaggio’s genius in capturing human experience and spiritual themes.


“Ecce Homo” by Caravaggio is a masterful work that encapsulates the dramatic and emotional intensity of Baroque art. Through his expert use of chiaroscuro and his unflinching realism, Caravaggio presents a deeply human and profoundly moving portrayal of one of the most significant moments in Christian narrative. The painting’s enduring legacy is a testament to Caravaggio’s unparalleled ability to convey the complexities of the human condition through art.

A Theoretical Breakthrough in Modern Physics: Uniting Einstein’s Gravity with Quantum Mechanics

Jonathan Oppenheim(University College, London) is a contemporary theoretical physicist whose research focuses on the intersection of gravity and quantum mechanics. His work primarily involves exploring the foundational aspects of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory, and how these fields relate to gravity and black holes.

Overview of Jonathan Oppenheim’s Contributions

  1. Quantum Information Theory and Gravity:
    • Oppenheim has contributed to the understanding of how quantum information theory can be applied to gravitational systems. Quantum information theory deals with the transmission, processing, and storage of information in quantum systems, and its principles can provide insights into the nature of spacetime and black holes.
  2. Black Hole Information Paradox:
    • One of the significant problems in theoretical physics is the black hole information paradox, which questions whether information that falls into a black hole is lost forever or can be recovered. Oppenheim’s work has involved exploring how information might be preserved in the presence of black holes and the implications for the foundations of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
  3. Thermodynamics and Quantum Systems:
    • He has explored the thermodynamics of quantum systems, particularly the second law of thermodynamics, and how it applies in quantum contexts. His research often involves studying the entropy and information flow in quantum systems, and how these concepts might extend to gravitational systems.
  4. Quantum Correlations and Entanglement:
    • Oppenheim has studied quantum correlations and entanglement, which are central to understanding quantum mechanics’ non-local nature. These concepts are crucial when considering how quantum mechanics might reconcile with general relativity, especially in contexts like the early universe or near black holes.
  5. Holographic Principle and Quantum Gravity:
    • The holographic principle, which posits that all the information contained within a volume of space can be described by a theory on the boundary of that space, is a significant concept in quantum gravity. Oppenheim’s work often intersects with this principle, exploring how quantum information and gravity are connected.

Key Papers and Research Areas

  1. Decoherence and Quantum Measurement:
    • Oppenheim has investigated the process of decoherence, where quantum systems lose their quantum properties due to interactions with their environment. This research is vital for understanding the quantum-to-classical transition and the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.
  2. Resource Theories in Quantum Mechanics:
    • He has contributed to the development of resource theories, which quantify the resources needed to perform certain tasks in quantum information theory. These theories help understand the limitations and capabilities of quantum systems, including how they might interact with gravitational systems.
  3. Quantum Foundations:
    • Much of Oppenheim’s work is concerned with the foundational questions of quantum mechanics. This includes studying how classical concepts like causality and locality emerge from quantum systems and how quantum mechanics can be interpreted in various physical contexts.


Jonathan Oppenheim’s research is at the cutting edge of theoretical physics, exploring how quantum mechanics can be unified with general relativity and how information theory principles apply to gravitational systems. His contributions help pave the way toward a deeper understanding of the universe’s fundamental workings, addressing some of the most profound questions in modern physics.

The Photo Collection: First Full Publication

The following photograph, taken in Soho, London at Christmas 1993 or 94, chosen for its hidden agenda.

These two homeless men were about to start kicking football around the square. I asked if I could take their photo and this was the instantaneous pose they gave me. I hesitated a moment, believing I could organise a pose more in keeping with contemporary pictures of despair and homelessness. It quickly became apparent that patience was not something at least one of them (man on left) had much to give. So I just clicked the shutter and rolled the film on. He came towards me and asked for money. I had but a few coppers and silver on me. I was quite poor myself at this time, given that Iwas undergoing an acrimonious divorce.

I felt quite threatened at this point and swiftly my hand in my pocket and grabbed what was there, dropping a 50p piece again (my return tube fare) before showing about 10 or 12p. He grabbed it and backed off again. I felt a bit better and we exchanged Christmas greetings and parted company.

This was my first and also my very last encounter as a photographer with the homeless. I’ve since come to respect their privacy, and later regular encounters as a resident in inner London, have taught me to still distrust them. No more of that now.

Homeless Pair in Soho Square, Christmas 1993 or 4. Ilford FP4 iso 125, Nikon 90. Copyright Shaun Everett 1994

I suspect these gents are long dead. Their addiction to alcohol undoubtedly saw to that. I trust they had a peaceful Christmas though and they made the best of what was left of their lives.

Homelessness is a cruel fact of societies and many photographers have attempted represented the despair. I’m thankful I did not pursue this avenue of photography, which became pastische after the 1940s.

There were though some great exponents of living poverty through the 1970s in particular. Today, camera phones are so abundant, that hardly anyone bothers to photograph the homeless in the same manner of the great photographers of the 1930s and 40s. I suspect the tables are turned somewhat, given that homelessness does not preclude the poor from owning such a device!

SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) Experiment at CERN

The SHIP (Search for Hidden Particles) experiment is a proposed experiment at the CERN SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron). It is part of the broader research community at CERN. SHIP aims to explore the “Hidden Sector” of particles, which includes candidates for dark matter and other hypothetical particles that could extend the Standard Model of particle physics.

Objectives of the SHIP Experiment:

  1. Search for Hidden Particles: SHIP aims to detect long-lived, weakly interacting particles that are not accounted for in the Standard Model. These particles could include heavy neutral leptons, dark photons, and other exotic particles that could provide insights into dark matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe.
  2. Study of Neutrino Physics: SHIP also plans to investigate neutrino physics, particularly focusing on the properties and interactions of tau neutrinos, the least understood type of neutrino.

How the SHIP Experiment Works:

  1. Beam Production: The SPS accelerator will produce a high-intensity beam of protons. These protons will be directed onto a target, producing a shower of secondary particles.
  2. Decay Volume: The particles produced from the target will pass through a decay volume, a large area where these particles can decay into other particles. This decay volume is essential for detecting long-lived particles that travel some distance before decaying.
  3. Detection System: The SHIP experiment will employ a sophisticated detection system designed to identify the decay products of these hidden particles. The detection system will include tracking detectors, calorimeters, and muon detectors to accurately measure the properties of the particles produced in the decays.

Significance of SHIP:

  1. New Physics: Discovering hidden particles could provide evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model, addressing some of the most profound questions in particle physics and cosmology.
  2. Dark Matter: Some of the hidden particles SHIP aims to detect are potential candidates for dark matter, which makes up about 27% of the universe but has yet to be directly observed.
  3. Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry: Understanding why the universe is made mostly of matter rather than an equal mixture of matter and antimatter could be advanced by studying heavy neutral leptons and other particles SHIP targets.

In summary, the SHIP experiment at CERN aims to explore uncharted territories in particle physics by searching for hidden particles that could extend our understanding of the universe. Its findings could have significant implications for our knowledge of dark matter, neutrino physics, and the fundamental forces of nature.

The Large Hadron Collider is not a perfect circle?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is not a perfect circle. Instead, it is an approximation of a circular shape but actually forms a polygon with many straight segments joined by curves. There are several reasons for this design:

  1. Engineering and Construction Practicalities: Constructing a perfect circular tunnel is extremely challenging from an engineering perspective. The LHC’s tunnel, which is located 100 meters underground, follows the natural contours of the landscape to a certain extent. Building a series of straight segments connected by curves simplifies the construction process and allows for more straightforward alignment and stability.
  2. Magnetic Field Requirements: The LHC uses superconducting magnets to bend and focus the particle beams. These magnets are placed in the straight segments and are designed to generate very precise and strong magnetic fields. Having straight sections allows for more controlled and uniform magnetic fields, which are necessary for maintaining the high-speed proton beams on their correct paths.
  3. Access and Maintenance: The design with straight segments and bends facilitates easier access for maintenance and upgrades. It also allows for the installation of various experimental apparatuses at specific points around the collider where different experiments can be conducted.
  4. Optimized Layout: The LHC is housed in the same tunnel that was used for the previous Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP). The shape of the tunnel was dictated by the needs of the LEP and reused for the LHC. This existing infrastructure influenced the design and layout of the LHC.

In summary, while the LHC is often described as circular, its shape is actually a polygon with many straight sections joined by curves. This design optimizes the collider’s functionality, construction, and maintenance requirements, making it feasible to achieve the precise conditions needed for high-energy particle collisions.